Rice Cooker How To Cook Porridge

Author: Efrain Silva

I have counted so many darn times in the which I have used a product like this but have had mixed thoughts or feelings on it — you get a feel for what I am talking about here? Just picture yourself biting down on a peanut butter and — ketchup — sort of sandwich and then trying to pretend it still tastes good in your mouth…mixed reaction, right. But then again, there are some people out there who do like the taste, but very, very few of these have I actually met ( in fact, I only know of one or two people who consider themselves to be true ‘dare - devils’ in society and like to mix things up, eating things like french fries dipped in vanilla ice cream, a mixed taste which would disgust me on my best day….but hey, every one has their likes and their poison habits, as they say ) .

Now with that said, working with something like this, the basic rice cooker ( and I have tried all kinds of models, both crappy and really good ones ) , should generally, more often than not, be a learning experience.

It should give you a good feeling and not make your tummy gurgle on the inside, if it’s a positive experience and the rice has cooked itself enough, he he heh. After all, who does not like a product like this one, especially when you think about all that it has done for people who have claimed it and taken it home? I can say that I am a proud owner, and so is my wife, and as a matter of fact, mind you, there are so many other people out there who would agree. We can all agree that many would agree, if you have heard the expression ( which came from my grandpa, who first taught it to me, but it might not make sense in all circles or places, so please excuse our very British roots, he he he heh ) .

So most rice cookers can cook different things from rice, making them great ( not the cheap ones, though, in which rice sticks to your pot’s lower base on the inside, avoid those ) . And porridge is on that list. Add 1 cup water per rice, equal ratio. Cook in the cooker for any setting of 45 minutes or longer, letting it take its time ( ‘brown rice’ setting will usually do it ) . Open the lid, once done, and check the grains to ensure they’re broken enough, and you have just the right congee consistency.

If you want more porridge, of course, it will require more water to pour in as your rice cooker usually burns up a lot in its process. Keep that to mind. You can mix and stir, at the end, and even re – cook, until needed. Thank you all, so kindly, for browsing!