
Written By A Special Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesomely Unique FOOD Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )

Are you wondering what a capicola is? It is basically a cold – cut salami that is very delicious and full of nutrients… if you like pork, and pepperoni, then it is more than likely that you will like this as well. And if you consider yourself a true Italian, he he heh, as I know that myself am ( well, technically, I am half – Italian, my blood, on my dad’s side of our family ) . Long story, but my last name was actually Silvani, my great – great grandfather’s last name… but when he migrated to America, as I was told by my dad and grandpa, he cut his last name down to Silva, he heh. Who knows why? Maybe it was to blend in… eh…

But anyways, I am an Italian, like I said, though one far removed from Italy’s traditional customs and cultures. Yet I still know a thing or two about quality salami, for one, and capicola is definitely one of my faves on the list, not to mention pork sausage links and many other things. Now, anyways, if you have ever had cold – cut combos at places like Subway or Jersey Mike’s, then you may have tried a bit of capicola ( or perhaps something very, very similar but not quite the real thing, he he he heh heh ) at some point in your life. Consider yourself lucky and blessed. Capicola has really got a nice taste to it – at least I myself would say so. Opinions can vary on it, of course.

In Italy, they call it coppa, in short ( or coppocola, the long name for it, he he he he heh ) . This Corsican / Italian salami is made of pigs’ necks. Literally, it is. Some might think that it is gross, yet others see it as rich in fats. Both, heck, may be true, depending on your own point of view. As 1 /4 Jewish that I am, I avoid pork, by custom…. yet I have had this, like I said, and enjoyed it. So to each his own.

With a fat – to – lean ratio of 30 – 70, the common pig’s neck is ideally perfect for some. It’s got the right amount of fats needed, they would argue, and that is why this meat came about in the first place. Capicola was born from such a discovery.

And you know what else? Some butchers like to cut it up nicely and tenderly, into very thin slices. It is one of the most tender ham cuts, in fact, that you can ever get. Ask around to see if your local deli can offer you a sample piece of this ham meat, and see if it’s for you! What can it hurt to try? You might find yourself hooked to this salami and come back for more…