How To Use Scalloped End Of Melon Baller

Written By A Special Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesome Tech – Hardware FOOD Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )

Now, of course, you all can apply this next bit of insight if you using a two – sided or two – ended melon – baller, all in all. And I would like to share the following with ya. So read up! ( And of course, even if you do not happen to own that kind of a melon – baller, all in all, still read this as it can teach ya something and maybe even get you inspired to go out and get a dual – sided melon – baller, he he he heh heh ) . Now, with this type of a melon – baller, I would just like to point out the very simple fact that you can make two shapes with one tool…. which is why most people get one. It’s so nice and lets you do more than the usual basic melon – baller, at the end of the day.

The basic oval end, which most ballers only have, if they’re the simple kind, is that side that can make uniformed – shaped sorts of spheres or other shapes. Now, the one that has a dual – baller on it, so to speak, can do this but ALSO make more DECORATIVE shapes from its other end, depending on how it is designed or shaped ( and I have seen different kinds of ones, here, on that note, he he he heh…. some people can get really crazy – creative with it, no joke ) . And you will also find that the head of each end, or the tip, whatever you like to call it, is designed to help release that melon – ball, in the end, with ease. Some are made with a tougher grip than others, or even a pull – or – release grip handle of sorts, so just keep that in mind as well….

Now, then, I want to inform you all of this, as you continue our read —- the fact that the scalloped end works in the very same way that the basic end does. You just pry it open ( if and only if it’s a closed – lid type of one, a fancier one that you can yourself manually open and close at your own convenience, he he he heh ) and stick it straight into the flesh of the fruit. You scoop it from an angle, as if you were scooping up an ice – cream cone out of a bucket of ice – cream, he heh. Perfect illustration, right?

And when you are coming up – wards from the down scoop, just make sure that no piece of the fruit or dangling or dripping from the sides. It ought not to be, but sometimes, people do this too fast and a piece of the fruit wobbles and you end up with an uneven fruit – ball. Avoid that.