How To Choose Fondue Cheese

Written By A Special Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesomely Unique FOOD Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )

Let me walk you through a very basic, Efrain – Silva – style, no BS, no – nonsense ( he he he he heh ) guide to how to pick out your fondue cheese while giving you some ideas around the matter, as a whole. Does that sound like something that you might want to read today, my friend? I sure hope that it does. I promise that I will leave you excited, intrigued, and not in the least bit concerned about anything else that you may have going on today ( or at least, for the next ten minutes, he he he he hehh ) . Your attention for those next few moments will be right here with me…. so read on and read more….

Now first of all, the first thing I would like to point out to you wonderful ladies and gentlemen is this —- if you want to have real fondue cheese, in the very definition of real, then do not by any means sell yourself short. Start by being willing to put some moo – lah down…. cha – ching! Put it down on spending on quality cheese, at the end of the day, and not just basic crap ( because believe me, there are some very cheap, basic 3rd - quality fondue cheeses out there, that won’t cost you much but won’t be like the real thing in any sense, and you want to go for what is best here, instead, my friend…. so say “no thanks and adios” to those less – fine options, and you’ll be doing yourself a grand favor, he he he he heh… and yes, I am serious about that ) .

High – quality cheese results in a high – quality process for the fondue, no joke. It at least sure helps, all in all. Also, choose from 3 different types and not just one, when you want to fondue cheese, if you can. Mixing different types always helps the end result be more balanced and savory —- try types like gouda, gruyere, and comte, for instance. These are like my fave 3, per say. And I’m super picky about picking my fondue cheeses, he he he he heh…

Also try to make sure the cheese is firm yet somewhat creamy —- why do I say that? I say that because experience holds that this kind of cheese is the kind of cheese that melts the easiest. And in a fondue situation, it’s perfect.

And pick something that has a solid texture but can melt.

Also, of course, make sure that you have everything else that you need, which will be compatible with the cheese that you are about to fondue. Very important. In other words, make sure you have the right fondue ( gas ) burner, the right tools, a lighter, etc. That is all up to you.