How do I Choose a Meat Slicer?

Author : Efrain E. Silva

Choosing a good meat slicer that is meant to serve you for ages to come, or at least decades, I hope, is not as simple as choosing a pair of socks to wear in the morning after getting out of bed…hmm, shall I go with the blue socks or the brown socks? Decisions, decisions. Anyways, choosing a meat slicer, we can all agree, is a bit of a bigger investment and costs more money than a pair of socks, to say the least….and not only that, but it also holds consequences in how you eat your meat or even in how easy it is to prepare. So choose wisely, and let’s have a look at some things to think over in choosing….

The first question you want to ask, deep down, is what exactly you will be slicing —- yes, I did say this correctly (or write this correctly, I should say). And what I mean is the simple fact that thousands of people use meat slicers every single day — heck, even businesses, too, and on tight budgets or deadlines — to cut things other than just plain old meat, and these slicers are flexible and work well to that end, for the most part. Cheese, vegetables and even bread (in some known cases) are examples of that. And I’m sure you can think of several other kinds of foods that require a good slice - up, but those were the few that came to my mind at first. Now, anyways, you also want to ask yourself how often you’d be using the slicer — will it be just once a week, twice a month, once a day, etc? Because if you do not plan to use the meat slicer that much, then you may just be well to get a regular, manual slicer and nothing too fancy, at that….so what are you looking to do, and how often do you need it done?

Also, think about this, my dear friend — might you need something light - duty or heavy - duty in nature? For instance, if the slicing time is a half day (like 4 hours daily or less), then light - duty is usually all that is needed. If, however, you need to slice for longer periods, and perhaps even larger chunks of meat, or heavier, bulkier ones, as well, then heavy - duty is more than likely calling your name. In addition to all of that, give thought to the very biggest item of all that you plan to slice in the slicer —- what are its full dimensions and just how large is it really? Because you will need a meat slicer that can accommodate this perfectly, all things considered.

On that last note, it also helps to think of blade size. Anyways, think of all these things before choosing, and we know you are smart enough to choose your best fit. I can’t tell you what that is, based on your unique needs, but I can hope the best for you. Good luck choosing, friend! You can do it, and if you make a mistake, get on back up and just learn from it.