How do You Thinly Slice a Ribeye?

Author : Efrain E. Silva

So let me start here, my friends : If you slice a steak as large as a ribeye, or, heck, any sort of really big steak, you tend to come out with some nice, flexible, multiple servings. And let’s face it : ribeye is one of those more pricey steaks, it is a cut of steak known for its fanciness. And when you thinly slice it, of course, you are saving some money (for instance, on having to buy an individual ribeye for each and every single person who sits at your table during the New Year’s holiday dinner, which can get really, really freaking pricey). Since you can slice one out, and spread it thin, you can still feed a good group of people and only do so with one single, decently - sized ribeye.

Plus, when you slice it into thinner pieces, it’s easier to chew and less hard and meaty as it originally is, especially ribeye as it is known to be. Even children, when the pieces are small and thin enough, thus softer, are able to eat this yummy steak at the table. It’s really for anyone who likes steak. Here’s the first tip anyways —- do not cut right after cooking. You heard me right ; in other words, let the ribeye cool off for a bit before tearing into it with your steak (hint hint, I said steak not regular) knife, which is designed just for cutting steak. Give it anywhere from 10 minutes (if the ribeye is smaller) to half an hour (if, like, per say, the ribeye is a huge chunk) to let it cool down. Cover it up with some aluminum in the meantime so it stays somewhat warm and it cools itself down.

Then, if you can’t find a steak knife, use your sharpest ‘second best choice’. A really sharp knife can do the trick. Be careful and precise. Make sure to cut the ribeye across its grain —- yes, indeed, slicing right across the grain is the trick here and you only get a shot to do this right. Cut perpendicular. See those long and parallel meat fibers showing? Those fibers are actually, as a matter of darn fact, what keep your steak ribeye so firm and tough —- so if you cut them shorter and shorter, they, in turn, become looser and looser (thus more tender, all in all). You wanted something soft and thin, right? The secret is there — that’s the way to do it, friend.

Thanks for catching up with me again, guys. I love it when you stop and read my new articles. Thanks for taking time out of your busy day, when there is so much you could have literally been doing with those few minutes of your precious time, especially now in this pandemic we are in (or if you’re reading post - pandemic, then some other thing, I’m sure, has been calling for your time and attention). And we hope this info has at least helped to get the thought forward, as well as some basic facts.