How To Use A Melon Baller

Written By A Special Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesome Tech – Hardware FOOD Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )

If you think that you are a simpleton dummy just for the very thought of having this question, in the first place, then let me assure you, my friend, that you are not one at all — in fact, everyone has had a question like this at some point, and especially more so if it has been their very first time trying to figure out how to use a tool like this. So rest assured, I say, once more, as I am here to share some tiddy – bits of wisdom on how you can use a tool like this as effectively as you possibly can. Sound like a plan? Please read….

So first of all, I would like to just say that it is always a good idea to make sure that everything you are going to work with is in clean condition, at least relatively speaking —- so ensure that your sink - top, counter - top ( or wherever else you will be balling in, he he he heh ) has been cleaned with a rag and some soap / water or washed off with running tap water, however is easiest for you. Make sure that both the baller, the knife part ( or knife ) and of course, the melon itself ( or whatever other fruit object you might like to go with, if your baller is able to ball it, he he he heh, which you’ll be able to tell, in most cases, by looking in your user guide ) are clean and have been washed.

Now once that part is right out of the way, you can move on to what is next, which is this : cutting that melon ( or other fruit ) in half to then pull out its inner seeds, one by one. Once you have gotten through that, and had some fun with it, hopefully, he he heh, you ought to then sink in that baller…. go all the way in to the flesh of that fruit, he heh. Hold your scoop flat as it goes into the melon and rests against it ; this is perhaps the most effective way to keep the baller flat and steady as it is in there.

Make sure that you are then going down and up at a slight angle with each scoop as best you can ( and yes, I know that it is not always easy to keep things perpendicular here, he heh, but you got this… I believe in ya ) . If any part of the scoop gets over and above that “melon’s level”, then you’ll usually notice irregularly shaped or sized chunks, which we want to try to avoid as much as we can here. You can just carefully carve those chunks down to the shape or size that you want.