Where To Buy Fondue Fuel
Written By A Special Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesomely Unique FOOD Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )
Good question is on your mind if you were thinking this, just as I was once… he he heh. If you want to know where the heck to get such a burner, in the first place, then read on. I will share what I can here…. I hope you like it, folks…
Now, then, the first thing that I want to say is that most decent – sized basic places like Walmart can sell it. Just look around where their camping / auto sections are at, and that is usually where you will find cans of this. Other places have it right in back – stock. Usually what I have noticed is that every single Walmart ( at least in my local state, he he he heh heh ) looks the same from the inside and from the outside, meaning that they have organized their store departments according to the very same kind of blue – print, more or less. And when I walk into any of these stores, I will always find products like this, to the back – left of the store, regardless of which entrance that I came in from ( and there are usually 2 – 4 main entrances in the front, unless you are coming in from the garden center entrance, which is often opened or closed, depending on the time of day and / or season… and that entrance is found to the left – side of the building, he he he heh, which is a nice, secret little entrance that not too many people know about and sure gets you into the store faster if there happens to be a long line of people coming in from the main entrance… save time and hassle, right? ) . They are next to camping / auto, for some interesting reason, every single time, he he heh. And usually a clerk can pull up this fuel for me, and ask me how much of it I would like to buy ; they are knowledgeable and seem to know which type is best for what, in many cases ( yet some just scratch their heads and say, “i don’t know”, so it all depends on the luck of the draw for you, of course… you might have a different experience yourself, so keep an open mind ) .
Anyways, Walmart is awesome — and that is certainly a place where you can buy this kind of fuel. And not only Walmart…. BUT WALMART ONLINE, AS WELL!(or Amazon) He he heh — just see one of the many products like that that they have here —- Swissmar Swiss Fire Gel 3 Ounce Fondue Fuel Tin ( affiliate link )
And this one’s a nice set of 3! 3 great cans for a great price. Can it get any better? Thank you, as always, WALMART (or Amazon)!!!