Fondue Gel Fuel

Written By A Special Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesomely Unique FOOD Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )

If you want a great idea for a fondue gel type of fuel, folks, then you ought to check out this one that I will show you just below :

Swissmar Swiss Fire Gel 3 Ounce Fondue Fuel Tin ( affiliate link )

What I like about it is that it’s so easy to just squeeze and apply. Easy to use, all in all. You squeeze, and out comes the gel – fuel. No real rocket science involved, I would have to say.

It is also labeled as “mess - free”, so even if you happen to be a little mess – prone, like I am sometimes, then you generally do not have to worry about it as much. This has taken every precaution in advance, on that note. Guess what else I might add here? Well, there is the fact that —- get this —- it is ODOR – FREE 100 % . And not only that, but it is also TOXIC – FREE or NON – TOXIC as well. So you do not have to worry about polluting your air around you, or that of others who are within the distance, or heck, of hurting the environment in general. This is surely a top pro for me! It beats all cons, so to speak.

And I will only talk about the pros, in fact, since I find no cons. Going back to what I just mentioned to you here, let me tell you that I used to be one of those people who DREADED the smell of such fuel, and always felt it a bit risky and unhealthy to be around. But when I got a product like this one, and it changed my experience, I became a truly, long – term happy camper by definition. It works. If it helps your mental sanity and peace of mind, if nothing else, then get it. It’s worth it. We have also got another juicy little fact about it that I would like to share to you : It’s got a half – liter, in other words, a full 17 ounces, however you prefer to look at it.

That is plenty of fuel in a small can, when you think about it. And that is plenty for more than one use, all in all. And guess what else? Those NO – SMELL and NON – TOXIC benefits I just mentioned STILL apply when you burn the fuel – gel itself, as well. So you STILL won’t have to worry about that…. not when you open it and apply it, not when you burn it, not when you discard the whole thing, after you’re done using. How nice is that? You don’t have to smell a thing, all in all.

And guess what? The price is only $ 15 - $ 20 to get it. Depends who you buy off of. Try Amazon first.