Is Fondue A Main Course Or Appetizer?

Written By A Special Writer : Your One and Only, Amazing, Awesomely Unique FOOD Expert and Guru….. Mr. Efrain E. Silva! ( Woot Woot! )

That is a solid question, and both I and my wife have asked it, too, folks —- so that is why it has been picked as a topic to talk about today, among other reasons as well. Now, then, the simple and quick answer to your question raised is this : It can be both. People in different continents, and at different times, have used fondue for both purposes. And with that said, I would now like to point out to you that you should read the rest for more….

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So first of all, I would like to point out this, my friend : Usually fondue is used as a basic appetizer or dip, in most cases. But people still often use it as the main course, and when they do so, they can often add other appetizers around it, ones such as, for instance, shrimps, bread – sticks, chicken scallops, or even asparagus. This has often been done when, for example, one or more of the parties eating from the main course can not or choose not to have any dairy with their meal. In that case, they will create their own plate using the other surrounding appetizers mentioned ( or the fondue itself is made without any cheese… and believe, I, for one, have seen that done on special occasions like on Christmas Eve, for example, and there is nothing unusual at all about it ) .

It’s a creative experience, for many, and a new one, at that. And that is a part of what makes the whole thing fun, at the end of the day. People have also used olives or olive assortments when adding these as appetizers to their main fondue course. Seafood salads, Caesar salads, simple green salads… all this has been known to work as well. And if you want to throw some protein in there, try some side appetizers of roasted walnuts, or roasted chestnuts ( like the Christmas song reminds me of, ha ha hah… you remember the one? ) . You may even try some salami, pepperoni, mini – meatballs, fish sticks, chicken tenders or chicken sticks as well.

That way, you will still be getting a good balance of all the nutrients that you need, to keep you nice and full, whatever the occasion may be. You can balance out items with protein, natural fibers, vitamins, and more… like all these that I just mentioned. Keep it all balanced.

It’s like a party in your mouth, right? He he heh. Have fun and be safe! Be sure to eat lots, and remember the good times….